District 15, Club, Area and Division Success Plan

Being Distinguished is no MAGIC. It just takes a Plan, a Plan to be Distinguished.

To have the best Toastmasters experience, every Toastmaster deserves to be in a Distinguished Club. Thus, a goal of District 15 is for every club to qualify as Distinguished, Select Distinguished, or President’s Distinguished. To be Distinguished, a club must have a minimum number of members because that enhances the energy, enthusiasm, and experience, providing a quality member experience.

To be a “paid club” in good standing, the club must have at least 8 members. There are clear signs that the Toastmasters International Board of Directors will increase that minimum to 10 or 12 members in coming years.

To be a Distinguished Club, the club must have 20 members OR a net gain of 5 members from the start of the Toastmaster Year (base membership = membership on June 30th), provided the club started the year as a paid club.

  • If your club starts with 8 or below members, it must achieve 13,
  • if your club starts with 9 members, it must achieve 14,
  • if your club starts with 10 members, it must achieve 15,
  • if your club starts with 11 members, it must achieve 16,
  • if your club starts with 12 members, it must achieve 17,
  • if your club starts with 13 members, it must achieve 18,
  • if your club starts with 14 members, it must achieve 19,
  • if your club starts with 15 or more, it must achieve 20.

Membership is the responsibility of every member, but the Vice President of Membership and of Public Relations have significant responsibility in organizing and conducting programs that will lead to guests attending club meetings and joining Toastmasters.

Performance Goals

A good description of the Distinguished Club Program can be found by watching the:

Video of The Distinguished Club Program
Handout of The Distinguished Club Program.

The Distinguished Club Program has 10 Performance Goals. Meeting these goals means that your club is offering a program that is helping your members develop their communication and leadership skills. Based on the goals met, and assuming the Club meets membership requirements.

Clubs achieve one of the following:

  • 5 or 6 goals met and the Club is Distinguished
  • 7 or 8 goals met and the Club is Select Distinguished
  • 9 or 10 goals met and the Club is President’s Distinguished

The District 15 Leadership Team is committed to helping all of our clubs achieve the highest level of success, recognized through Toastmasters International as the Distinguished Club Program.
As an additional incentive, clubs that develop their Club Success Plans on or before August 31st are recognized by the District with the Horizon Award.


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