A Message from our District Director

Hello Fellow Toastmasters!!
We’re already a third of the way through the 2022-2023 Toastmasters year. Can you believe it?!  We recently made it through the first round of membership dues renewals, so THANK YOU to all of those who have chosen to stick with Toastmasters for your personal and professional development!  From new to tenured Toastmasters, we all joined this great organization for a reason.  With all that’s going on in the world, it’d be easy to put Toastmasters on the back burner for another day, so I applaud all of you for serving and helping each other in District 15!
Before membership dues renewals, things were looking slightly up, as we rose to 62 paid Clubs in the District. However, after dues came in, our District currently sits at 49 paid clubs. The after effects of COVID continue to show their burden on our members and our Clubs, but it doesn’t mean that there isn’t good news still out there!
We’ve seen 139 new members join District 15 so far this year…which is AWESOME!  As we move into a “new normal”, we’re starting to see others look for more, wanting not only socializing but looking for opportunities to learn and grow with others. When was the last time you talked to someone about Toastmasters?  When was the last time your Club had a visitor?  What is your Club doing to stand out at work or in your community?  Are there companies your friends or family work for that could use Toastmasters?  As we look for opportunities to share, we look to make people’s lives better!
We also have some great events on the docket. Saturday, November 12th is our annual Fall Awards event where we recognize those who have left marked contributions on our District. We’ve also already been planning our annual District Conference in May, where we’ll have our Region 1 International Director and several others as distinguished guests!  Our Conference will be hybrid for the first time and we hope to actually SEE you all there! 🙂
We’re continually looking for ways to make our District better and we’re continually looking for ways to award our members for doing great things!  We’re also always looking for more volunteers who want extra experience by serving on a committee or District leadership positions. If you have any of the above, please feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to listen!
Keep doing great things!  We appreciate all of you!
Trevor Nelson, DTM

A Message from our Program Quality Director

Hello, District 15:

Looking beyond ‘now’ I see our members, our clubs, our areas/divisions and our district recovering from the  devastations of Covid. I have Great Expectations! I have great expectations that our members will revisit their “Why” of joining Toastmasters and rekindle the flames of engagement, if by chance it has waned. I have great expectations for the variety of programs we will offer this year: relevant, meaningful programs and trainings that enhance your experiences and empower you as speakers and leaders. I have great expectations of offering incentives that promote the goals and strategies for increased membership, stronger clubs, passionate volunteerism, and member, club and community engagement.

Last but not least, I have Great Expectations for becoming a Distinguished District this year, comprised of Distinguished clubs, and engaged and empowered members. Let’s have a great year!

All the best,

Sarra Idehen, DTM

A Message from our Club Growth Director

Hello, District 15!

As we start to (slowly) re-enter a normal life, I’ve been reflecting on what that means for Toastmasters, and our future as an organization. The clubs in our district have been able to push through unexpected times and find success. Now, as we emerge from uncertainty, “Innovation” is the word that comes to mind for me. Finding new, and creative ways to navigate our hybrid environment is our top priority. The key to this, is coming together. There’s no such thing as a bad idea when it comes to paving the way for this new and exciting culture!

My goal as club growth director, is to open up the opportunity for inclusion- people need community after nearly two years of isolation from interpersonal relationships. The clubs that I hope to help launch this year will be looking to you and your clubs as leaders to success. It’s a responsibility we can all look forward to shouldering as a District.

I’ve been able to look back on my own experience as a Toastmaster, and smile at the progress I have personally and professionally made as a result, as well as the impact that my growth has made on my Club, Area, Division, and District’s growth as well.

Jaysee Jimenez,MS5

Conference Presentation Opportunity

The District 15 Conference is in the planning stages! This year’s conference will be May 5th & 6th.  The District conference is always an exciting event to attend, but even more exciting is to be part of the team who puts together the conference.

We have a keynote speaker, exciting contests, and education sessions where we, as Toastmasters, gain so much information on how to grow.  This year the theme is “People, Purpose, and Passion; the Pathway to Success.” 

As Toastmasters, we learn to work together as a team, to become better leaders, and to be better communicators through public speaking.

An amazing presentation opportunity awaits you!!!   

Take the skills you have learned as a Toastmaster and be a presenter at the District 15 Conference. Education sessions last 50 minutes and are based on the conference theme.

Build your success and be a presenter for the Conference!  If you are interested, please submit your proposal through this form and submit by February 15th.

Submit your presentation proposal

Conference Volunteer Opportunity

For the past couple of years, we have had fabulous District 15 Conferences and Speech Contests.  Prior to that, we have had fun in person.  This year, we are going hybrid. We want to have a successful Conference, but it takes many Toastmasters to make it happen!  There are many opportunities for you to participate and get credit for projects in your Pathways.  We need Committee leaders as well as committee participants.  Yes, we need YOU!  We need you and your talents to make the best District 15 Conference ever.  We want to have fun, learn, and grow at the conference as well as have fun, learn, and grow planning this event.  Below we have a list of the committees for you to lead or just have fun being apart of.

  • Conference Chair and Co-Chair
  • Educational Committee
  • Speech Contest Chair
  • Zoom Committee

I look forward to having you help with our District 15 Spring Conference on May 5th & 6th, 2023. If you are interested in participating in anyway big or small, please contact: Kandi Kutkas, Division D Director. D@district15speaks.org

Toastmasters District 15 Fall Awards

Saturday, 12 Nov 2022 – at 5 PM MST.

These awards are to honor and recognize the members who have stood out and made a significant impact towards the mission of Club, Area, Division and District 15.
Click below to register.
After registration you will receive zoom invite to attend Celebration Event.

Education Awards – Fourth Quarter 2021 – 2022

Congratulations to everyone who achieved education awards this past Toastmasters quarter:

Data Statistics (April – June 2022)

– 49 total education awards earned by District 15 members. Great Work!!!
– Boise Club earned 6 education awards.  Woo Woo!!
– David S. and another member of Meridian Club each earned the most individual awards, 3 education awards!! Awesome!!!

Click here to view more information!!


Toastmasters Articles of Interest

Articles from District 15 Toastmasters, Toastmasters International, and Other Districts


Melissa Gledhill CC, CL, ACB

A member of the Dynamic Toastmasters, Club #5084, at Micron. She has been a member since July, 2010. She first joined Toastmasters to enhance her messages and delivery. This article was an excerpt from a Guest Speaker event where she provided the meeting Inspiration. When she’s not at work, she’s chasing balance doing mom stuff and/or playing in the Boise foothills.

Finding Your Balance

A few nights or maybe years ago, my mother in law was bragging at the dinner table about how she had learned to ride a bike at age four.

Not only did she teach herself how to ride a bike but she then went around the neighborhood and insisted on teaching all the older boys how to ride because she thought it was silly that they couldn’t yet.

My then 5 year old daughter was wide-eyed. I could almost see the gears turning.

The next day, the only thing she wanted to do was get on her bike.

Like all good parents raising children in this decade, we had researched how to train your child to ride their bike on youtube ahead of time.

There a guy (Chris Pedrin) claimed you could teach your child to ride their bike in 5min or less with 3 easy steps [link]. I must admit that his method made a lot of sense, and was a lot better than how I recall learning it.

To summarize his process:

Step one, you need to ask your child if they WANT to ride a bike. Lucky for us, grandma had given our daughter a little inspiration there. If you don’t have a spunky grandma with swagger, consider what motivates your child and how to tap into that.
The second step is to teach your child that they can catch themselves when they start to feel themselves lose their balance. In his video, Chris demonstrated how to hold the handlebars and lean bike from side to side to let them practice putting a foot down to stop it from falling. This gives your child the confidence and knowledge of what to do in case they feel the bike start to fall. Falling or failing is part of learning anything new. Fear of failing can often prevent many folks from even trying. Normalizing failure, and accepting that that is part of learning…makes it not as scary.
The third and final step, is to give your child a boost. While standing behind them, you grasp the handle bars and seat until they have their balance. You let go of the handle bars and encourage them to start pedaling as you give them a soft push. You might even show them how to take a small step to gain momentum prior to pedaling. Starting something new is always hard on your own. Sometimes a gentle nudge from others, paired with knowing what to do next (baby steps) make the end-goal a little more attainable.
Our daughter was determined. It didn’t take 5 minutes, but within a few days she was riding around the cul-de-sac on her own. Once we’d given her the tools, she was able to experiment on her own until she got the hang of things.

I really recommend Chris’s video if you ever need to teach someone how to ride a bike.

I know plenty of adults who never learned how to ride a bike, how to swim, or how to drive a car. While it doesn’t impact them every day, it does limit the activities that they can do with friends and family. Things that we take for granted, like going to the community pool or floating the river on a hot summer day are a little more fearful.

What challenge or obstacle do you want to overcome in your life? What is holding you back from being the best version of yourself?

Maybe you are nervous speaking in front of a group. You feel shaky, forget your words, or forget what you said afterwards.

Perhaps you have dreams of delivering a toast at a friend’s wedding, or nailing a presentation for work. You want to have your voice heard in a meeting, and make sure your ideas are well supported.

Toastmasters is filled with others who are constantly trying build on their strengths, learn from their mistakes, and build momentum in their speaking and leadership goals.

The club mission to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

We are all learning from each other. Each meeting is an opportunity to find our balance, gain confidence, and consider different perspectives.

Up Coming Events

Events are on the District 15 Events Page

District 15 Events

Final Thoughts

If you would like to submit an article or have an idea for an article for the newsletter, please reach out to district15trio@gmail.com. Have a great Toastmasters day!! – D15 Trio

District Mission

We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.

Toastmasters International Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Excellence

Club Mission

We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Toastmasters International Envisioned Future

To be the first-choice provider of dynamic, high-value, experiential communication and leadership skills development.